FutureTPM Technical Meeting in Athens

by Ursula Polessnig

The first FutureTPM Technical Meeting took place in Athens, Greece, on 13th-14th June. The meeting was organized and hosted by project partner UBITECH.

The first FutureTPM Technical Meeting took place in Athens, Greece, on 13th-14th June. The meeting was organized and hosted by project partner UBITECH. The first day of the FutureTPM meeting started with a general project status update and an overview of the most important topics to be discussed during the two-day’s meeting, given by the technical leader Surrey. After this short introduction, a Work Package 1 workshop started. The focus of this workshop was the refinement of the first deliverable (D1.1 – Technical and Security Requirements Analysis), in particular by revising the functional and security requirements. In addition, the three use case partners presented their user stories and discussed how the TPM will be used in their environments. In the afternoon, the discussion was led by IBM, in particular to recap the status of D2.1 (First Report on New QR Cryptographic Primitives). The second day was dedicated to the remaining Work Packages, whose activities have just started, in particular WP3 and WP4. Each technical WP-leader presented the work already done and plans for the Project’s future. Finally, in the afternoon, the FutureTPM partners held a joint session focusing on upcoming tasks and organizing the next technical meeting and workshop. The 2-day Technical Meeting was a very successful and engaging event, which provided many useful ideas that will foster further research and developments within the FutureTPM project.