Technical and 1st Advisory Board Meeting in Lisbon

by Ursula Polessnig

On the 18th of October, the FutureTPM consortium invited the Advisory Board members of the project to the first Advisory Board meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. The day before, on the 17th of October, an internal technical meeting took place. Both events were hosted by project partner INESC-ID.

The 17th of October was dedicated to the internal technical meeting which started with a summary of outputs and deliverables of WP1 that can be found on WP1 “Requirements and Characterisation of the FutureTPM Framework” already ended in M09 (September) of the project. During the dedicated WP3 slot, partner SURREY led the discussion on TPM security modelling. In the afternoon, a discussion on the QR algorithms to be selected for implementation per TPM environment, led by WP2 (WP-lead IBM) took place. At the end of the day, the plan and open to-dos for Deliverable “Threat Modelling & Risk Assessment Methodology” were defined and the risk assessment tools to be employed and the vulnerability analysis of the TSS were discussed. At the morning of day 2, before project partner IFAT opened the discussion on WP5 “QR TPM Implementation, Performance Evaluation AND Testing”, a short slot for administrative issues was planned. In WP5, the focus of work for some partners were defined and some important decisions on how to proceed were made. The afternoon of the second day was dedicated to the Advisory Board meeting. After a short round of introduction, Liqun Chen and Thanassis Giannetsos (University of Surrey), the technical leaders of the FutureTPM project, gave a short introduction to FutureTPM, including a technical project overview and the roadmap of the FutureTPM project. After this short introduction, the leaders of the running (and finished) WPs presented the actual status of their WPs and the work already carried out. Fruitful discussions on the work done and the roadmap for the remaining project, which will be beneficial for the future project progress took place. The FutureTPM team received valuable feedback and comments from the three Advisory Board members (Carey Huscroft – HP Labs, Christian Gehrmann – Gehrmann Trusted-ICT AB, Adrian Waller- Thales UK) to different aspects. The feedback from the Advisory Board members was very positive and constructive. Overall, they were impressed and positively satisfied with the current project status.