Online Advisory Board Meeting
- by Ursula Polessnig
On the 31st April 2020 the FutureTPM consortium invited the Advisory Board members to the third Advisory Board meeting. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the meeting was held online.
The focus of the Advisory Board meeting was to discuss the current status and the next steps of WP3 “QR TPM Integration and Provable Security Modelling and Analysis”, WP5 “TPM Implementation, Performance Evaluation and Testing” and WP6 “FutureTPM Demonstrators and Performance Evaluation”. The WP leads presented the status of the work carried out in the past and discussed with the Advisory Board members Carey Huscroft, David Challener, Adrian Waller, Claire Vishik and Francois Dupressoir future steps. The FutureTPM team received great feedback. The Advisory Board members pointed out that our FutureTPM project presents the first concrete results on how QR algorithms can be implemented in resource-constrained devices. In addition to that the Advisory Board Members think that the project also provides the architectural blueprint of how the next generation of TPMs should look like.