The FutureTPM project has ended!
- by Martina Truskaller
The FutureTPM project has ended!
The final review meeting took place in an online format on 18th February 2021, where the consortium met with the European Commission and the review team to an overview of all the work packages, analyze the main achievements, the challenges during the project, and receive feedback to the performed work.
Besides that, it was also presented demos of use case demonstrators, as e-payment, activity tracking, and device management.
Everything was finished well, goals have been met, all deliverables were accepted and the milestones were reached. FutureTPM has delivered exceptional results with significant immediate or potential impact.
The project brought forward the development of modeling TPM commands and functionalities’, a new set of remote attestation and configuration integrity verification algorithms, and worked on QR algorithms to be considered for implementation in the TPM environment.
The results do have the potential to impact future forward a smooth transition from current TPM environments to systems providing enhanced security through QR cryptographic functions, including secure authentication, encryption, and signing functions.
A significant number of scientific publications is already been generated, including papers at high-level conferences such as ARES, ESCAR, CYSARM, ACM SIGSAC, SECRYPT, SAC, WISTP, and IEEE S&P, and in indexed journals such as IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Access, Sensors and Future Generation Computer Systems. Furthermore, more than 15 papers of the 50 produced publications were the result of a collaboration between different partners of the consortium. Also, the co-organization of three workshops, one of them in the well-known conference 26th ACM CCS, can be considered a dissemination highlight. On the other hand, according to the exploitation plans, for many industrial partners, this project represents an exceptional opportunity to improve the security of their products and to increase the privacy protection of their data.
Further information can be found in the public deliverables available on the website:
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