CYSARM 2020 Post Workshop Summary

by Martina Truskaller

CYSARM 2020 – Post Workshop Summary

FutureTPM members Thanassis Giannetsos (DTU) and Daniele Sgandurra (RHUL) chaired the 2nd Workshop on Cyber-Security Arms Race (CYSARM) at a prestigious venue as the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), on November 13th, 2020. Although CYSARM is at the early phases (this year marks the second edition of this workshop), the workshop is already fostering collaboration among researchers and practitioners to discuss the various facets and trade-offs of cyber-security. Being the first workshop of its kind, CYSARM benefits the cyber-security community by addressing novel (and often controversial) topics in cyber-security, such as trade-offs and double-edged sword techniques.
The CYSARM’20 call for papers attracted submissions from researchers in fourteen countries from a wide variety of academic and corporate institutions. Each submission was reviewed by at least four TPC members, using a double-blind review process. Three submissions were accepted for presentation at the workshop, two of which were selected as Full Papers and one accepted as a Short Paper, leading to a full acceptance rate of 22.2% and an overall acceptance rate of 33%. This year, based on careful consideration of attendees’ health and safety, CYSARM 2020 took place as a virtual event, and was organized in two sessions.
The morning session was chaired by Daniele Sgandurra and started with a keynote by David Oswald (University of Birmingham): Software and hardware vulnerabilities in Intel SGX. This was followed by the first regular paper session, with presentations of two accepted papers: Protecting Enclaves from Intra-Core Side-Channel Attacks through Physical Isolation, presented by Marno van der Maas (University of Cambridge), and Efficiency Improvements for Encrypt-to-Self, presented by Jeroen Pijnenburg (Royal Holloway, University of London).
The afternoon session was chaired by Thanassis Giannetsos. The session started with a keynote from Ioannis Krontiris (Huawei Technologies) who presented the talk Enabling Trusted Digital Identities – From Connected Citizens to Connected Objects. Afterwards, Daniele Bringhenti (Politecnico di Torino) presented the short paper Automatic configuration for an optimal channel protection in virtualized networks. This was followed by a round of presentations from four EU projects consortia FutureTPM, INCOGNITO, ASTRID, GUARD, presented by, respectively, Liqun Chen (University of Surrey), Christos Xenakis (University of Piraeus), Matteo Rapetto (CNR-IMATI), Fulvio Valenza (Politecnico di Torino). The panel discussed how new technologies and algorithms developed within these projects will impact the security of future security models, and the various trade-offs involved during their design.
The workshop was attended by 35 attendees from all over the world, who interacted with the panelists and presenters with interactive Q&A sessions. Putting together CYSARM’20 was a team effort. We first thank all the authors for the quality of their submissions. We are grateful to the Program Committee who worked very hard in reviewing papers and providing valuable feedback to authors. In addition, we would like to thank the General Chairs, Professor Liqun Chen and Professor Chris Mitchell, for their help with the planning, design and organization of the workshop, as well as Martina Truskaller and Technikon for Web Chair and Publicity Chair. Finally, we thank the hosting organization, our sponsor, ACM SIGs, and our supporters, EU Projects FutureTPM (GA: 779391), INCOGNITO (GA: 824015), ASTRID (GA: 786922) and GUARD (GA: 833456).
We hope that you will find CYSARM’20 program interesting and thought-provoking and that the workshop will provide you with a valuable opportunity to share ideas with other researchers and practitioners from institutions around the world.

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