1st FutureTPM Workshop on Quantum-Resistant Crypto Algorithms

19th October 2018  ||  08:30 - 18:00 WEST (UTC +1)  ||  Lisbon, Portugal  ||  Venue: Holiday Inn Lisboa

On the 19th of October 2018, our 1st FutureTPM Workshop on Quantum-Resistant (QR) Crypto Algorithms suitable for inclusion in Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) hosted by INESC-ID took place in the Holiday Inn Lisboa in Lisbon, Portugal.

This workshop aimed at presenting a first set of preliminary results in researching QR cryptographic algorithms suitable for inclusion in a TPM. A TPM is a security anchor, also known as root-of-trust, which is commonly used in domains with a strong requirement for security, privacy and trust, such as finance and banking (secure mobile payment), wearables (activity tracking) and device management.

This one-day workshop brought together diverse players in the quantum-safe cryptography community, with the goal of facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration to prepare for the advent of the quantum era. The workshop fostered discussions on the definition, design and technical requirements of the set of FutureTPM industry-driven use cases, by engaging key industrial players and focus groups active in cyber-physical systems security, standardization bodies and academic partners show-casing the FutureTPM platform.


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Structure & Materials

Slot Topic & Presenter
Session 1: Welcome and Introduction to FutureTPM Workshop
#1 Introduction to FutureTPM: Status of the project and description of the agenda
Presented by: Liqun Chen, Thanassis Giannetsos (University of Surrey)
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 1.95 MB ]
#2 The Future of Trusted Computing
Presented by: Steve Hanna (Trusted Computing Group)
While Trusted Computing has been adopted for certain applications, the need and potential for this technology has never been fully realized. With broad adoption of IoT and cloud intelligence, computing has begun to infuse every aspect of our lives. Yet we cannot confidently trust IoT or the cloud. Which gaps must be bridged to achieve Trusted IoT and cloud? And how can TCG partner with the research community to bridge that gap?
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 1.42 MB ]
#3 NIST Cryptographic Standards for Trusted Platform in Quantum Era
Presented by: Lily Chen (National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST)
With substantial progress made in developing quantum computers, it is urgent to investigate quantum-resistant public-key cryptosystems towards standardization. NIST has launched a PQC standardization process since 2016. This presentation provides an update on the status of NIST PQC standardization and discusses some possible impact to the current practice in achieving trusted platforms.
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 365 KB ]
Session 2: The use of Trusted Computing towards Enhanced Security and Privacy
#4 Comprehensive Remote Attestation for Device Management
Presented by: Roberto Sassu and Silviu Vlasceanu (Huawei)
One of the biggest challenges in Trusted Computing is the remote attestation of software and the underlying operating system. While measuring and evaluating components involved in the first phase of the boot process is straightforward, as they are executed sequentially, the same does not apply to operating systems with several applications running at the same time. The first challenge is that the final TPM state at the end of the boot may vary depending on the execution order of the binaries. The second is that the kernel component responsible for measurements (Integrity Measurement Architecture, IMA) does not take into account mutable files, as they cannot be compared with reference measurements. Attacks based on them are not reported to verifiers. The third is that a dedicated server for the evaluation of measurements must be included in the remote attestation solution, since there are no public services. This talk introduces Comprehensive RA, an evolution of standard IMA that aims at addressing these challenges and be suitable for adoption in industry products such as Huawei’s. The talk also illustrates the device management use case of the FutureTPM project, and how it will benefit from Comprehensive RA.
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 1.06 MB ]
#5 Empowering Trust and Security on Sharing Personal Activity Data
A FutureTPM Use Case

Presented by: Thanassis Giannetsos (University of Surrey)
It is globally acknowledged that the availability of data and the ability to serve it to experts is opening up new horizons in various domains, giving birth to innovative added value services. This is becoming quite evident in domains such as marketing, manufacturing and engineering with the advent of shared “big data” sets. When it comes to personal wellbeing, there are numerous attempts, such as the Apple Heart Study, that set the barrier sky-high when referring to the possible impacts, nevertheless, in an analogy to commercial IPRs, sharing of personal activity data is seeing with skepticism by subjects; there do exist plenty of ethical and private matters that are directly or indirectly linked with such data, which create doubts on the proper use of data, as well as on trusting the data engineers and analysts. Regulations such GDPR have surfaced to strengthen the notion of trust (at least from a legislative point of view), however those are not tackling the real problem from a technical perspective. There is an immediate need to ensure that data is not only shared with the right parties, but is also shared for the right purpose, and there is a demand to be pro-active in terms of tackling threats that will surface in the near future that derive with the increasing computing power and computational methods that are surfacing, as well as with new computing paradigms. The “Suite5 Activity Tracker” use case, works on this exact topic of making personal data shareable in a trusted and tamper-proof environment, demonstrating how the use of TPM technology can benefit organisations, and also individuals (as end-customers) in high quality services.
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 1.33 MB ]
#6 Secure Mobile Wallet and Payments
Presented by: Fanis Sklinos (Indev Software SA)
Mobile wallet and payment received significant attention because it enables an easy payment mechanism and becomes an important complement to traditional payment means. However, using a mobile wallet over open devices and networks poses security challenges of a new dimension. The explosive proliferation of viruses and malware affecting mobile devices alongside the very real danger of lost or stolen devices has instilled a sense of uneasiness in the consumer mind about the implications of losing a large part of their digital lives. If we add a second dimension of money to this and the risk of unauthorized payments should a mobile device be lost, stolen or infected with malware then suddenly our mobile devices may become guardians of our financial freedom and the implications of losing our mobiles or them being susceptible to hacking or other such malfeasance skyrockets. The security of tokens is fundamental to the overall security of the mobile payment transaction itself. How the tokens are handled by the mobile payment app, such as the security of token in storage and in transit, as well as the design of the mobile application are key security considerations. The “INDEV Secure Mobile Wallet and Payments” use case, works on this issue of making the sensitive tokens trusted and tamper-proof, demonstrating how the use of FutureTPM project can benefit mobile wallet and payment applications to be more secure and trusted.
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 839 KB ]
#7 A Platform Manufacturer’s View of TPMs *
Presented by: Carey Huscroft (HP Labs)
HP was a founder of TCPA and of TCG, and one of the first companies to integrate TPMs into products. HP has contributed to TCPA/TCG since the start of the organizations and continues that work today, as TCG technology continues to evolve for the future. This talk will discuss HP’s perspective on TCG and TPMs, HP’s interest in starting a Trusted Computing industry standard body, in developing the standard, and in continuing to move TCG standards forward, as well as various TPM applications in real-world products.
#8 Thales and Trusted Computing
Presented by: Adrian Waller (Thales UK)
Thales provides solutions for a wide variety of safety and security critical applications, covering defence, security, space, aerospace and ground transportation. As such, it is both a supplier and consumer of trusted computing technology at many different levels of integration, and with a bias towards high levels of assurance required for such safety and security critical applications. This talk will cover some of our use cases for such technology, the requirements that these generate and some thoughts on future directions for Trusted Computing.
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 1.44 MB ]
Session 3: Other EU Initiatives towards QR Crypto
#9 Results of PQCrypto (ICT-645622)
Presented by: Tanja Lange (University of Eindhoven)
The PQCRYPTO project (https://pqcrypto.eu.org/, 2015 - 2018) researched the efficiency and security of post-quantum systems as well as their resistance to side-channel attacks. Early in the project, PQCRYPTO released it's an initial recommendation for systems that users could use to achieve long-term security. In parallel to the analysis of these systems, PQCRYPTO developed new post-quantum systems which culminated in the submission of 23 candidate systems to the NIST call for post-quantum systems. These systems are combined in libpqcrypto, a library for experimenting with these systems.
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 2.04 MB ]
#10 SAFEcrypto: Secure Architectures of Future Emerging Cryptography
Presented by: Adrian Waller (Thales UK)
SAFEcrypto is an EC H2020 project looking at Quantum Safe Cryptography. This talk will give an overview of the work done in the project, covering: novel algorithmic and design optimisations; software and hardware implementations addressing the cost, energy consumption, performance, and physical attack resistance needs of diverse applications; proof-of-concept demonstrators for three real world case studies.
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 2.63 MB ]
#11 PROMETHEUS or how to provide quantum-resistant privacy-preserving cryptographic mechanisms
Presented by: Sébastien Canard (Orange)
Privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols allow users to take common daily life actions online (e.g., purchases, reservations or voting) without leaking sensitive personal information. They typically combine various cryptographic tools such as digital signatures, homomorphic encryption or zero-knowledge proofs. While practical solutions exist under RSA or discrete logarithm assumptions, they are all completely vulnerable to quantum attacks, so that working quantum computers would immediately make them obsolete. To address this threat, the PROMETHEUS project will enable users' privacy in the post-quantum world by providing a complete toolbox of innovative, efficient and quantum-secure cryptographic techniques adapted to modern services. It will provide new building blocks in relation with international competitions and standardisation processes, as well as advanced properties dedicated to the design of sophisticated protocols.
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 462 KB ]
Session 4: Quantum-Resistant TSS Implementation (Part I)
#12 PQC TSS and PQC TPM - a prototype
Presented by: Andreas Fuchs (Fraunhofer SIT)
This presentation demonstrates our PQC TPM Software Stack and our prototype of a PQC TPM. We point out current limitations in the TPM specification that affect the use of PQC primitives and give preliminary performance numbers of our prototype for TPM operations using PQC primitives.
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 1.09 MB ]
Panel Discussion
#13 Innovating with Trusted Computing: The journey towards the implementation of a Quantum-Resistant TPM
Panel Moderator: Liqun Chen
Panelists: Lily Chen, Steve Hanna, Christian Hanser, Carey Huscroft, Tanja Lange, Adrian Waller
Strong cryptographic algorithms and secure protocol implementations are a vital foundation to securing cyber-physical systems of today and tomorrow. Security, privacy and trust in a computing system are usually achieved using tamper-resistant devices to provide core cryptographic and security functions. The TPM is one such device and provides the system with a root-of-trust and a cryptographic engine. However, to sustain this enhanced system security it is crucial that the crypto functions in the TPM are not merely secure for today but will also remain secure in the long-term against quantum attacks. Despite the nascent of quantum computing, this technology has the disruptive potential to break various currently used information security protocols and encryption algorithms. Therefore, it is imperative to prepare for the next era of trusted computing with quantum-safe crypto.

This expert panel aims to discuss requirements, promises and security challenges that may arise in the advent of quantum computers, and how this will affect the TPM industry and its future applications, as well as future research directions in this fascinating area. The goal is to enable a smooth transition from current TPM environments, based on traditional cryptography, to systems providing enhanced security through QR cryptographic functions, including secure authentication, encryption and signing functions, thus, turning the host device into a “hardened” security token that may also remain secure long-term against an enhanced threat landscape in quantum computing deployments.
Session 4: Quantum-Resistant TSS Implementation (Part II)
#14 Using and Breaking Hardware Security Anchors
Presented by: David Oswald (University of Birmingham)
Hardware-anchored security is becoming more and more popular in the face of sophisticated software vulnerabilities, malware outbreaks, and leaks of private data. While the basic concept of separating sensitive computations from normal processing is the same, there are many realisations, ranging from separate chips (like the TPM) to virtualisation-like techniques (like ARM Trustzone). In our project "User Controlled Hardware Security Anchors: Evaluation and Designs", we study hardware security anchors from both a constructive and destructive point of view. This talk gives an overview over the goals of our project, followed by an introduction into the security of various Trusted Execution Environments, including ARM Trustzone, Intel SGX, and Apple SEP.
Presentation/Materials: [ DOWNLOAD PDF, 1.7 MB ]
#15 Implementation of the FutureTPM QR HW TPM Demonstrator **
Presented by: Christian Hanser (Infineon)
Besides theoretical objectives such as the identification and development of suitable quantum-resistant algorithms, one more practical objective of FutureTPM is to develop several kinds of prototypical FutureTPM demonstrators: in software, in hardware as well as for virtualized environments. This talk will give an overview of the planned R&D activities to build a FutureTPM hardware demonstrator implementing quantum-resistant cryptography. In doing so, we will discuss anticipated features, design choices as well as the particular quantum-resistant algorithms selected for the demonstrator implementation.
#16 PQ DAA
Presented by: Paulo Martins (INESC-ID)
Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) enables the authentication of trusted platforms in a private way. Since the security of previous DAA standards has been based on RSA and EC groups, they are deemed insecure against adversaries with quantum computing capabilities. The FutureTPM project targets the development and implementation of a quantum-resistant DAA protocol. In this talk, the implementation of a recently proposed lattice-based DAA technique will be addressed and assessed in comparison to different approaches.

* We are in contact with the corresponding speaker in order to get the permission for a public release of the presentation material.
** Presentation material only on request.


Sébastien Canard is a research engineer at the R&D department of the Orange Group. His main specialty is the security of the services. He is specialized on cryptography for the privacy protection and the anonymity of users in their telecommunication services. He holds an engineer qualification, a PhD and has obtained his Habilitation Thesis (HDR) on Cryptography from the University of Caen. He has published more than 30 papers in (peer-reviewed) international journals and conferences and holds about 20 patents on cryptographic protocols and their direct applications. He has managed several PhD students on cryptographic tools for privacy protection.

Lily (Lidong) Chen is a mathematician and the manager of Cryptographic Technology Group of Computer Security Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Her research areas include cryptographic protocols and their applications in communication security. She has been leading NIST Cryptographic program since 2012.

Liqun Chen is a professor in the Surrey Centre for Cyber Security, the University of Surrey. Prior to this appointment in 2016, she was a principal research scientist at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (HP Labs) in Bristol, the UK, which she joined in 1997. She has developed several cryptographic schemes adopted by the International Standards and some of them have been implemented in Trusted Platform Modules. She has served on the editorial board for 4 international journals, as the PC (co-)chair for 14 international conferences and as the (co)-editor for 6 ISO/IEC standard documents.

Andreas Fuchs studied Computer Science at the University of Darmstadt and the University of Massachusets. He is the deputy head of department Cyberphysical Systems Security and Head of the research group Trustworthy Platforms at the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technologies SIT. He is an active member of the Trusted Computing Group and received its 2017 Annual Leadership Award. He is also the (co-)maintainer of the OpenSource TPM Software Stack "tpm2-tss" and its affiliated OpenSSL engine "tpm2-tss-engine". He has more than a decade of experience in Trusted Computing technologies and is dedicated to spreading these fundamental security building blocks to all application sectors.

Thanassis Giannetsos is an Assistant Professor in Secure Systems at the University of Surrey, UK. Dr. Giannetsos received the BSc degree in Computer Science and Communication Engineeringfrom University of Thessaly, Greece, in 2006 and the MSc degree in Information Networking from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and PhD degree in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Aalborg, Denmark in 2012. Prior to Surrey, Dr. Giannetsos was a Senior Researcher in Networked Systems Security at KTH Royal institute of Technology, Sweden; postdoctoral researcher at Athens Information Technology, Greece. His research interests span from applied cryptography to security and privacy in information technology. He has expertise in the design and implementation of secure and privacy-preserving protocols, based on the use of trusted computing, and risk management and vulnerability analysis.

Steve Hanna is a Senior Principal at Infineon Technologies. On a global basis, he is responsible for IoT security strategy and technology. Within the Trusted Computing Group, he co-chairs the Embedded Systems Work Group, IoT Sub Group, and Industrial Sub Group. He is a member of the Security Area Directorate in the Internet Engineering Task Force and an author in the Industrial Internet Consortium. Mr. Hanna has a deep background in information security, especially in software and systems. He is an inventor or co-inventor on 48 issued patents, the author of innumerable standards and white papers, and a regular speaker at industry events. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Harvard University.

Christian Hanser received his Dr.techn. from Graz University of Technology, Austria in 2016. His PhD thesis gives new, practically efficient ways to build pairing-based privacy algorithms, such as blind signatures and anonymous credential system, from a newly introduced structure-preserving signature scheme. Besides his research activities, he had also been responsible for the development of commercial cryptographic toolkits in Java and, in particular, led the development of the IAIK ECCelerate™ elliptic-curve Java library at Graz University of Technology from 2010 to 2016. From 2016 to 2017, Christian was working as Development Engineer at AVL List GmbH in Graz focusing on automotive cyber-security solutions. In June 2017, Christian joined Infineon’s Contactless Innovation group at the Development Center Graz, where is responsible for the management of funded R&D projects (such as FutureTPM) on national and European levels.

Carey Huscroft is a Research Strategist in HP Labs Security Lab in Bristol, UK. Carey is also the chair of the Trusted Computing Group Technical Committee, former chair of the Trusted Computing Group Server Specific Work Group, and a member of the Advisory Board of the European Union H2020 FutureTPM project. He has over 18 years of experience at HP.

Tanja Lange joined the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (The Netherlands) as Full Professor in 2006. Her work bridges the gaps between algebraic geometry, theoretical cryptography, and real-world information security. She is an expert on curve-based cryptography and post-quantum cryptography. Prof. Dr. Lange is on the editorial board for 3 journals and serves on 3 steering committees, including the workshop series on Post-Quantum Cryptography. She coordinated the EU-H2020 project PQCRYPTO -- Post-quantum cryptography for long-term security https://pqcrypto.eu.org

Paulo Martins received the MSc degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa (UL), Lisbon, Portugal, in 2014. He is a Junior Researcher with the R&D Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores (INESC-ID) and currently a PhD student of IST. He was an intern during 4 months in 2015 at the Samsung Research United Kingdom, and collaborated with the Université Pierre et Marie Curie for 3 months in 2016. His research interests include cryptography, computer architectures, parallel computing, and computer arithmetic. He is a student member of both IEEE and HiPEAC.

David Oswald is a lecturer (assistant professor) in the Security and Privacy Group at the University of Birmingham, UK. His main field of research is the security of embedded systems in the real world. His research on vulnerabilities of various wide-spread systems (e.g. DESFire RFID smartcards, Yubikey two-factor authentication tokens, electronic locks, and VW/Hitag2 RKE systems) has created awareness for the crucial importance of security among developers of embedded devices.

Dimitris Panopoulos, born in Athens in 1977, holds a PhD Degree in IT Systems, MSc in Techno-Economic Systems and Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. He is the Chief of Operations of Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions and actively participates in the company’s research and commercial projects. Since 2001 he has participated as Project Manager, Technical Manager or Researcher in more than 40 Research and Innovation projects in the framework of EU Funding (FP6, FP7, Horizon2020) and National Funding Programmes. His expertise covers the fields of Information Technology, Enterprise Management Systems, Production Management, Energy Management Systems, E-business and E-government. Moreover, Dr. Panopoulos has great consulting experience in the application of IT systems in the public and private sector, as well as significant academic experience as teaching & research associate of the National Technical University of Athens.

Roberto Sassu received a MsC in Information Security in 2008 and worked as a research assistant until 2014. He published and presented papers on Trusted Computing at STC'11 and TrustCom 2014. He also participated to several European projects (OpenTC, TClouds, SECURED and FutureTPM). After working at SUSE Linux from 2015 to 2017, he joined Huawei in 2017 and contributes to the integration of Trusted Computing technologies into products.

Fanis Sklinos was born in Athens, in 1984. He studied mathematics in the university of Athens. He founded INDEV on 2016, after a vast experience in software architecture on various fields. He works full time at INDEV, being in charge of innovation, business development and research. Fanis Sklinos is part of the Senior Management of INDEV SA, being the acting president and CEO of the Company. He is responsible for the business development and innovation departments of the company, emphasizing on developing open source solutions for financial institutions and fintech companies. Also he co-leads the software architecture, security and training divisions of the company. He studied mathematics in the university of Athens.

Silviu Vlasceanu received his MSc in Computer Science and Telecommunications from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse in 2007. He worked for the Romanian state in network security and PKI, where he was responsible for developing hardware-based key management products. Subsequently he worked at IBM System X as security software engineer for the PureFlex cloud infrastructure system. Since 2014 he is a principal engineer at Huawei’s Cyber Security and Privacy Lab (CSPL) in Munich, leading Huawei’s research efforts to develop trusted computing and system integrity competence. He is a co-chair of the new TCG Cyber Resiliency working group and member in the Technical Committee and DICE Architectures working groups.

Adrian Waller has worked for Thales UK Research Technology and Innovation since 1997, and is now a Thales Expert in the Research and Innovation Aspects of Information Security. He is responsible for providing consultancy and research expertise on a wide variety of security projects, across the large multinational Thales Group and for external customers as well as governmental and other organizations. Adrian qualified as a CISSP in 2003, and is currently a Visiting Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Surrey.